Birds, flowers and so much MORE...from Cindy Logan

By Bella Erakko

Featured member artist Cindy Logan admits that she’s “very big on starting projects.” Right now, she has 12 paintings in various stages of completion. In a way, she embodies the energy of the birds she likes to paint. They alight on a branch, rest awhile, then fly to the next tree limb. She adds new layers of color onto one canvas, and the next day a different one attracts her brush. Even her brushstrokes have a feathery quality to them.

Cindy will be our first featured member artist In our new home, 121 N. Main. Excited by the new space, she raptures, “We have grown even closer as a community of artists. We all had to pitch in to make this move happen so fast … in just six weeks!” But when not packing, lifting, discarding, hauling, nailing, she still found time to pick up her paintbrush.

As an art teacher, she easily navigates different techniques—from oil and acrylic to ink-and-bleach and scratchboard. When asked how she knows a painting is finished, she laughs and says, “Turn it upside down. That’s what I tell my students. If it still holds up, strong in composition, lights and darks, and value, then it is finished.” Or close to finished.

This month as featured member artist, Cindy plans to bring a new collection of birds and flowers. From hummingbirds and blue jays to irises and peonies, her dynamic use of color and brushstroke bring the outdoors into our homes—even on a dreary winter day.