When Artists Face Dry Spells...Member Artist Kevin Warning

By Bella Erakko

Usually October's featured Alliance Gallery member Kevin Warning is “in the flow” … literally. His abstract art comes to life as he pours acrylic paint onto a prepared canvas. The paint overflows the canvas leaving pools of color on the tarped floor in his studio. Since he began painting in this way, he has never experienced a dry spell. But like many artists during this pandemic, he often finds himself in the studio, sitting, waiting for the next inspiration. “I am just ready to create something new. I haven’t been able to pick up the brush and try something.” Waiting is hard, and harder for Kevin and his family. They have personally experienced COVID, and he lost his father to an accident this year.

But fallow times are also part of the path the artist must walk along. It feels as though one is walking on the banks of the creative stream, rather than being in the stream. Creativity ebbs and flows. Every artist eventually leaves the prolific days to find themselves idea-less. Something stirs deep within them, but it lacks imagery, shape, context. So the artist must wait.

The first time this happens is a bit of a shock. But Kevin admits, “One problem I have is I hate to be wasteful. Sometimes a pour comes out awful.” He may be using a $60 tube of paint. Nevertheless, onto the floor it goes with a swipe of his gloved hand. Then he cleans the canvas to start anew.

While enduring a dry spell, Kevin Warning stays connected to his process. He continues to pour acrylics onto his canvas, drawing deep reactions among those who see and collect his work. It seems that each canvas evokes an emotion, be it joy, quiet reflection, excitement, calm repose.

The inner stream of new ideas may seem hidden right now to Kevin. But the creative flow remains. Perhaps it is just about to take a new turn. ~ ~ ~ The Alliance Art Gallery resumes its traditional 2nd Saturday from 4:00-7:00, OCTOBER 9. Receive your usual ticket any time Saturday to win a piece of art. See what’s new. The guest artist talk will occur at 6:00, with the drawing at 6:30. The winner will be notified immediately to make arrangements for pick-up or mailing.
