Destination....Photography! member artist Connie Stephens

by Bella Erakko

Like many artists, Connie laughs admitting, “I had a real block during the pandemic. I worked on only two pictures.” But making up lost time, she explored southern Missouri this spring, almost getting lost in Elephant Rocks State Park as night descended. The joy of stalking photographic images took her to Hodgson Water Mill and the even more remote Alley Springs. There, 11 miles from any main road, she stood, feet frozen in soaking wet snow, camera in hand, capturing the first traces of spring.

As she pointed out, Ansel Adams once said, “You don’t take a photograph; you make it.”

Connie Stephens has delved deep into photo-enhancing software, admittedly spending hours immersed in tutorials. “Boy,” she admits, “Ansel’s words describe me. I can spend hours. It’s like therapy. I bubble over when someone likes the result.”

She takes the road less traveled by—the rarely traveled back roads of our country—to yet another adventure, another destination.

An opening reception will be held on Saturday, July 10 from 4 until 7:00 with an artist's talk at 6:00.

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