Step into the Garden...Member Artist Ann Miller Titus

by Bella Erakko

“Having a year of the Covid pandemic really made me think about dormancy.” Ann Titus wondered, “What happens within waiting time? We have the potential for everything to grow—perhaps in a totally different way.”

Thus began her quilted Step into the Garden Series which, even with four completed pieces, continues to grow in her creative mind. It Might be Wick came first … a fragile dark green tendril tentatively poking its head into a quiet garden landscape as if just emerging from dormancy. Then, as though to celebrate, Ann’s second piece named The Big Show showcases the dense vibrancy of a garden in full radiant bloom. Ann then designed a piece focusing on the inner world of the gardener in Dreaming the Garden where the plan unfolds in the mind and quilted tendrils come off a plant shape. This technique—of planning the quilting before the top is complete—underscores the ethereal world of a gardener dreaming during the winter months. Lastly, The Fragrance Remains portrays that wonderful color-saturated moment when the flower, facing its end, perfumes the garden.

In a way, Ann Titus has translated the world of the plant whisperer—for surely all of us who love our gardens have those moments where desire and blossom meet.

An Opening Reception will be held on Saturday, April 14 from 4 until 7:00. An artist talk will begin at 6:00 and a free drawing for a piece of Ann's artwork will take place at 6:30. You do not need to be present to win.

It Might Be Wick

It Might Be Wick

The Big Show

The Big Show

The Fragrance Remains

The Fragrance Remains