Just Begin...Guest Artist Kay Crain

by Bella Erakko

Alliance Art Gallery guest artist Kay Crain admits that she was born to be an artist. After all, her mother had a passion for painting. “The story goes,” she shares, “My mother was using house paint on cardboard. Dad saw it, and bought her paints and canvases.” So Kay had access to art supplies all her life. Though her early training came from high school art classes, she sold her first painting to the school librarian. Later on, she attended several workshops. With a degree in English and later Nursing, and raising children, painting took a backseat for many years. But in 2004, with a night time shift in Labor & Delivery, she found herself buying art supplies. She didn’t USE them; but they were amassing in the house. One day, her good friend Jane looked at her and said, “Just BEGIN.” So she plunged in and did a painting. The source for her first images? Nostalgic old Kodachrome prints purchased off eBay. The 50s Chevy, the beach scenes, kids playing became paintings filled with vibrancy.

She remembers, “In the early 2000’s, Duane Keiser’s Daily Painting movement started up. Another artist started dailypainters.com (no longer available) which encouraged artists to paint one canvas a day.” Crain would work her nightshift, sleep till around 2:30 PM, and then paint.

Along with 50’s and 60’s scenes, she enjoys painting outdoors, attending the Augusta Plein Air Festival (practically in her backyard) every year.

To see Crain’s work is to experience joy. The sunny vibrancy of her palette, the soft brushstrokes, the choice of scenes that evoke a sense of comfort, joy, and beauty leave the viewer with a sense of gratitude that Kay Crain was born … a painter.

An opening reception will be held on Saturday November 13 from 4 until 7:00.