Capturing the Beauty

The Alliance Art Gallery in Hannibal will be spotlighting the photography of member artist, Andrea Linderman, during the month of July. Though born in the Midwest, Andrea grew up in a log cabin in Alaska, before moving to New Mexico, and eventually Hannibal.

All her life, Andrea has found herself surrounded by extraordinary natural beauty. Through the lens of her DSLR camera, she seeks—and finds—the hidden secrets of flowers, streams, birds, landscapes, abandoned barns, prairie, and even carousel horses.

She lets the image dictate the evolution process: an abandoned farm in black and white, a single frosted oak leaf color-enhanced drawing the viewer into the beauty of solitude, a fog-drenched Ozark morning, a branch of light-drenched dogwood blossoms. In every instance, she allows the viewer to enter into the visual mystery of our world. As Andrea notes, the camera lens reveals extraordinarily beautiful patterns and textures in the most ordinary things.

An opening reception will be held Saturday, July 9th from 5:00 until 8:00 pm. A photograph by Andrea will be given away in a free drawing held at 6:00. This reception coincides with Hannibal’s Second Saturday Gallery Night.